wild country organics  

Our news:

Wild Country Organics is a modern organic family farm run by Dr Adrian Izzard, who over the last ten years has pioneered the growing techniques to produce a wide range of organic vegetables in glasshouses without using artificial heating. Our production techniques minimize our carbon footprint making our crops the greenest of green (or red if we are talking tomatoes). Protected cropping is usually associated with adverse enviromental impact but our methods rely on bio- control of pests and disease and minimal use of fossil fuel resources. We would rather risk loosing a crop rather than lowering our standards. We have proved it is possible to produce high yielding, interesting, flavoursome vegetables with high nutritional value, profitably in the UK, year round. This is an important model which can be expanded to provide locally produced food in the UK without the need to import high food mile produce. It is modern equivalent of the market gardens that were historically found near all regional towns and cities.
The farm is located seven miles south east of Cambridge in Abington and has been organic since 1988. In the summer we specialise in producing a wide variety of organic tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, aubergines, lettuce, pak cho, herbs and salad leaves.

What are we currently growing?
We have a wide range of salad leaves and wholesome greens for the winter/spring period, too many to list but classic favourites are organic wild rocket lettuce, pak choi, celery, mustard greens, various herbs; rocket, coriander, sorrel, parsley, land cress, etc.

Specialist crops
We pride ourselves on growing a range of leaves for the gourmet market, these include:organic Mizuna, Claytonia (or winter pursalane), Ryobi sai, Green in snow (a strong green mustard leaf), Komatsuna, and Various other oriental style leaves.

Click here to see more photos  


© WILDCOUNTRY ORGANICS, Chalky Road, Great Abington, Cambridge, CB1 6AT
Tel: 01223 894599 / Mob: 077 87552515 / adrian@wildco.co.uk